

Are you finding it difficult to access/navigate through the content/pages of this Portal? This section attempts to help you have a pleasant experience while browsing this Portal.

Sections of this Portal
Provides summary of what each section of the Portal contains.
Recruitment Agengies
Provides information on how to access linked Live/On-Demand webcasts.
Promotional Banners
Promotional banners flashed on the National Portal should be of the following characteristics:
File format: GIF, JPEG, PNG or SWF
Dimensions :

370px X 60px (15 Kb), 180px X 48px (10 Kb), 160px X 35px (08 Kb)

Know about the accessibility statement, accessibility features, and accessibility options.
Viewing Information in Various File Formats
Provides information on how to access different file formats for viewing the required information.
Screen Reader Access
Provides information regarding access to different Screen Readers.