1- e-Pariksha Recruitment Services- e-Pariksha as part of recruitment services provides online app. form submission, e-Examination, e-Result Preparation and declaration, e-Interview Schedule and Board Allotment, Final Selection/ Recommendation Services, General Admin. Services, e-Adhiyachan Services and e-Counseling Services. URL : e-Pariksha Central Instance.
2- e-Pariksha Adhiyachan Services (eAdhiyachan) - eAdhiyachan is digital solution for collection of various posts and it's vacancy detail from all integrated Government departments under paperless environment. The State recruitment agencies viz. State Public Service Commission/ Selection Boards etc.... will receive the consolidated post wise report under group 'A' ,'B' & 'C' level vacancies. URL : https://eadhiyachan.pariksha.nic.in/
3- e-Pariksha One Time Registration Services (OTR) - e-Pariksha One Time Registration Services (epOTR) : OTR facilitate to applicants to file online application form in many recruitments/ advertisements without entering the details. Applicants can update their details under various categories on OTR portal. Applicant’s details can be access at any time in anywhere through authentication. URL : https://otr.pariksha.nic.in/
4- e-Pariksha Document Storage and Verification Services (eLocker & OTR) - e-Locker facilitate to applicants to file online application form in many recruitments/ advertisements without entering the details and attachments of documents. Applicants can update their details and upload the required documents under various categories on eLocker portal. Applicant’s documents and details can be access at any time in anywhere through authentication. URL : https://elocker.pariksha.nic.in/
5- e-Pariksha Payment Gateway Services (ePGS)- e-Pariksha PG Services provides various payment options (Debit/Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI, Wallet, eChallan etc.) to applicants through its integration with SBI-MOPS, SBI-ePay and CSCs. URL : https://epgs.pariksha.nic.in/
6- e-Pariksha Communication Management Services (ePCMS) - e-Pariksha Communication Services provides paperless communication to applicants by integrating various SMS Service Providers and Email Services of NIC, Govt. of India. URL : https://epcms.pariksha.nic.in/
7- e-Pariksha Grievance Redressal Management Services (ePGRS) - e-Grievance Service provides applicants to file problem/ query/ feedback/ suggestion to concerned agency and after its redressal applicant get intimation through SMS and Email and in case of the grievance/ problem still not resolved then feedback may be filled for its escalation at next level. URL : https://epgrs.pariksha.nic.in/
8- e-Pariksha Doc Receipt and Dispatch Management Services (ePRDS) - Receipt and e-Dispatch Service facilitates to the recruitment agencies to maintain the record of all incoming and outgoing official letters, any correspondence through e-Receipt and e-Dispatch register which can be tagged and reconciled with the candidate's online application forms. URL : https://eprds.pariksha.nic.in/
9- e-Pariksha Computer Based Online Test (ePCBOT) - Computer Based Online Test for various type of Post selection of suitable candidates. MCQ type question papers for various type of vacancies. URL : https://onlineexam.pariksha.nic.in/
10- ePariksha Examination Management Services (ePEMS) - Examination Services provides speedup the process of Downloading Admit Card.Examination Services is digitally available anytime anywhere. URL : http://epexams.pariksha.nic.in/