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About - Overview & Objectives.

PARIKSHA is a complete solution for recruitments against vacant posts laying in the Government Departments under Direct or Examination mode

PARIKSHA enables candidates for filling application forms & provides complete technical solution to carry out the commission’s internal processes viz. publishing of advertisements, sorting and scrutinizing the submitted application forms, scheduling of interviews based on verification of uploaded claim documents and their academic and professional merit & conducting prelim & main examinations for giving the final recommendation to Govt.

The commission adopted the PARIKSHA software in 2015 for inviting application forms from applicants under direct recruitment mode.

The Important Features of this system are e-Form, e-Payment, e-Admin, e-Allotment, Admit Card, e- Interview, e- Result, e- Recommendation and e-Communication.

PARIKSHA always communicate to Applicants at various stages through e-Communication (i.e. strictly through SMS & email only) and no paper communication is allowed in the commission.

Application Modules

Application Modules of PARIKSHA application are.

1. e-Form
2. e-Payment
3. e-Admin
4. e-Allotment
5. e-AdmitCard
6. e-Interview
7. e-Result
8. e-Recommendation